After undergoing a sinus lift bone graft surgery, please follow these Sinus Precautions and Post-Operative Instructions:
Sinus Precautions
- No smoking – Nicotine decreases blood flow to the healing surgical site, and smoke irritates the surgical site. Smoking can result in delayed healing and sinus infection.
- Do not blow your nose for 1 week – Blowing your nose creates high pressures that can disrupt healing of the sinuses.
- Ocean Nasal Spray – If your nose feels congested, use Ocean Nasal Spray to loosen up mucus and permit passive drainage from your nose. Ocean Nasal Spray is available over-the-counter at the pharmacy.
Sudafed – If your sinuses feel congested, use Sudafed as directed. Sudafed is available over-the-counter at the pharmacy. Do not take Sudafed if you know that you are allergic to Sudafed.
- Sneeze through your mouth – If you feel the urge to sneeze, please sneeze through your mouth instead of your nose; this will avoid high pressures that can disrupt healing of the sinuses.
- Do not “bear down” – Avoid lifting heavy objects, blowing up balloons, or playing musical instruments that require a blowing action or any other activity that increases nasal or oral pressure.
- No swimming for at least 1 month – Water entering your nose from swimming can lead to a sinus infection.
- No SCUBA diving for at least 2 months – pressure exerted by water pressure can disrupt healing of the sinuses.